Monday, September 3, 2012


These past few days have been all about coming together as a family. We put down our beloved Xbox controllers, turned off the TV and created things! This is a new adventure for me, as I've only been a mother to a tanglible child for 11 short months. So after all the excitement of fingerpainting, I decided to do something a little different.We browsed Pinterest for a little inspiration and found spray painted mason jars as vases. Our first attempt involved car paint and a more... industrious look than I'd anticipated.

I guess after our Michael's run will include some blue twine. It can be my Cowboys vase.

The next two we got a little fancy with. We saw a pin about acrylic paint on the inside of the mason jars or vases. This renders them completely useless as far as holding real plants with water (the paint with soak in with the water and kill the plants) they are beautiful and leave a clean look. The designs in the glass are not colored, the paint is merely a backdrop.

We each started out with one color that would match the regular spray paint we bought (it's called lagoon. Ít's a bright aqua marine).

The pin online said to turn it upside for 20 minutes, but it was still wet the next day. While doing this, you have to swirl the paint all the way down so it coats completely and evenly. Otherwise, the paint will just fall down from the bottom.

After we created stencils (which I did not photograph due to my udder excitement and sheer negligence) we went outside with the still drying on the inside acrylic and spray painted over the taped on stencils.

We ended with the biggest glass vase we had in our house and the rest our paints, just to see what might happen. It was pretty awesome if I do say so myself:

So we plan on getting new paints this weekend and another couple of vases. Today, I have a plan to surprise daddy when he gets home from work. Let's see if my homemade plaster works!

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